Voucher Code Usage Terms & Conditions
Please carefully read the following terms and conditions relating to the use and redemption of all voucher code offers at www.f1autocentres.co.uk.
These terms and conditions govern your use of the Formula One Voucher codes. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions, please do not use the voucher code.
How to redeem your voucher code:
- Enter the code into the voucher code box on the basket page
- Click Redeem
- Proceed to payment page
Please note, multiple voucher codes cannot be redeemed against different products in one transaction, unless otherwise offered to you at the point of purchase within the basket.
For voucher code validity, refer to the dates specified in the unique voucher's terms and conditions.
Voucher codes cannot be redeemed retrospectively and we are unable to apply the voucher to you order once it has been processed.
Voucher code offers are not valid in conjunction with any other offer.
Unless otherwise stated, voucher codes are limited to one use per customer.
Vouchers are not transferable or exchangeable for cash.
Voucher codes can be redeemed in branch. When purchasing your products please quote the online voucher code to receive your discount.